Rheobuild 1000

Rheobuild 1000 in theory

Dark brown liquid free from chlorides, has cementary dispersants in its composition, providing super plastification and excellent water reducement. It is compatible ith all kinds of Portland cement.

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Major Applications

Bridge surface reparation concrete Fast-track constructions
High-performance and self-compacting concrete Prestressed concrete
Reinforced, precast, pumped and fluid concretes Ready-mix concrete (dams, highways, among others)


Improves the finishing Doesn’t modificate the setting time of Portland cement
Eases the compacting, the releasing and the pumping Reduces the A/C* factor, the permeability, the segregation, the cracking and the setting time
Increases the concrete durability Increases the workability, the modulus of elasticity and the cohesion
Increases the bending and compression resistance  


Complete Specification

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