Rheocem 460

Rheocem 460 in theory

Powder additive, carbonate based, free from chlorides, sulfates and iron. Expands the Portland cement admixture, adapting it to its surrounding surfaces. It is compatible with other kinds of additives.

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Major Applications

Civil construction repairs Anchorage and sealing
Grout for injection at cracks, cavities, joints, foundations, among others. Recommended for the usage in Portland cement admixtures, mortars or concrete that needs expansive properties.


Produces a plasticizing effect in the admixtures, reducing the A/C* factor and improving the admixture placement at cracks and cavities. Increases the adherence to the wall of the admixture.
Makes up for the shrinkage of Portland cement admixtures. Reduces the exudation and the segregation of the admixture.


Complete Specification

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