MacDrain Geocomposite

MacDrain Geocomposite in theory

The MacDrain Geocomposite is light and flexible for draining purposes, his drainage core is constituted by a tridimensional geofabric 10mm or 18mm thick.

The water penetration or percolation at the soils causes inconvenience and issues to many kinds of works into the civil engineering. It is necessary to provide efficient drainage systems to restrain the water flow at areas that can compromise the structure behavior.

An effective system is composed by three basic elements: the draining agent, which captures and leads the water flow, purifying the soil; the filtering agent, which restrains the movement of the soil particles to the draining agent; and the exhaust agent, which leads the drained water to its exhausting point.

This geocomposite is made by yarns of polypropylene or polyamide, which core has a void ratio of about 95%. It consists of a high flow rate core made from HDPE geomesh coupled with one/two impermeable membranes for various applications with a drainage function.

The geotextiles protrude for 10cm beyond the core, along the longitudinal borders to guarantee continuous joints for the drainage system. For transversal protruding, one of the cores is divided (when there are two), letting the remaining core protrude for 10cm.

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Major Applications

Non-contaminant and resistant to chemical and biological attempts. Creates a layer between the structure and the soil, reducing the transfer of vibrations.
Protects the waterproofing systems Avoids the movement of the soil particles
Soothen pressure and hydrostatic thrust.  


More efficient and economic compared to the standard solutions. Protects the waterproofing systems against mechanical damage.
Light, easy handling and simple set-up. High flow capacity.

Suitable for the following solutions

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